What is Copyright?
The issue of checking a license on YouTube is very popular and at the same time one of the most painful for bloggers. Let's figure out what it is.
In simple terms, copyright is a right that allows its author to dispose of a composition for distribution to mass sources.
These massive sources include YouTube, Twitch, TV, Instagram and many others. In which there is an opportunity to show your work to a large number of audiences.
Now we will learn a short but very useful information on using music on the Internet. Namely, let's look at YouTube examples of using songs with different copyright licenses.

Don't use someone else's, without permission - this is the main YouTube commandment for creating content on the site. You need to respect the video hosting rights in order not to get banned on your video.
Types of licenses
The most common licenses are: YouTube Standard License, Creative Commons and «No Copyright». Each of which has subsidiary licenses, with its own rules.
First, we need to figure out that when creating any song, there is a so-called direct author. All the music you listened to has its author, absolutely all! Therefore, there is no "copyright-free" music.
The same, regardless of the license. All musical compositions are "copyrighted". Except for folk music. Therefore, if the composition is now free to use, then this does not mean at all that it will always be so. The first thing to consider when choosing a song!
This makes it likely that over time the license will change its properties. For example: change, become tougher, or disappear. Nobody can predict this.

The only real chance to use the content for personal and even commercial purposes without violating the laws of the countries. To do this, it is worth checking the music for copyright using our eProves service.
YouTube License
YouTube, like any other media resource on the Internet, is obliged to monitor the legal use of music and indicate information about it. For this, a neural network was developed, which determines the coincidence of music with the already existing one in the "Copyright" database.
CONTENT-ID is a mechanism that defines the "base of matches". Then he applies the rules for the use of music to them. When it finds a match with an audio track in the database, it reports a violation of the rules for posting content.
If you cannot provide proof of a license from the "direct author", then you will get one of the likely outcomes: prohibition of video monetization, restrictions in some countries, video deletion or a strike channel.
However, by signing a track legally, the music gets copyright. If you receive a "copyright complaint" statement. You just have to write an appeal, indicating the type of license, the label and the link where the music is sold. After that, the youtube moderator will check it and correct the situation. Including, you will get back the monetization of the video.

Creative Commons
Or "Open License" — is a simplified form of contract for the use of music for your own purposes, which does not have a written contract.
The purpose of a Creative Commons license is to transfer the rights to use a work. However, you must comply with the use agreement depending on the type of Creative Commons license.

Permits to distribute, copy, modify the work, subject to the mention of the original author.
Non-commercial use
Use for profit is prohibited.
Without the right to change
Permits redistribution and copying, only the original work
Creative Commons licenses are created by Creative Commons, a non-profit organization. Which gives
a choice to the authors on what conditions, they will transfer the rights to the song. By submitting
a work under the terms of the Creative Commons license, the author allows anyone to use their content,
depending on their license type described above.
«No copyright»
We have already decided that there is no "copyright-free" music. Any work has an author! Today he released his music for free use, and tomorrow he signed an agreement with the label. Which in turn claimed the rights to music. After that, your video that has gained millions of views loses its monetization.

Each author decides for himself what to do with those who use his work. Sometimes they can be very strict about the use of their creativity. Because they are not ready to share their profits with bloggers.
That is why all the music that we are accustomed to consider "without AP" is such only up to a certain point. When the direct writer signs a contract with a major label and starts monetizing their own content, the song will immediately receive a "YouTube Standard License".
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the methods of checking music for copyright online