If you intend to use copyrighted content in your video. Then you need to get permission from the right owner. Otherwise, you will only get video blocking. Or removing monetization from video content.
Therefore, we strongly advise against using licensed music in your projects, without the direct consent of the artist. We recommend that you find a song without copyright and use it. Just don't forget to credit the author in the description for the video on YouTube. Here's why it's important!

You cannot take any song you like and use it for your own purposes. Because the authors who write a piece of music sign a contract with the companies that own the copyright for that piece. And they control those who use it.
The most popular source of income for an artist is monetization for music licensing. However, this is not the only type of income. And to attract other resources, the musician needs popularity and recognition. Therefore, even for non-copyrighted music that you decide to use, you need to indicate the author and title of the song. To avoid conflicts on the part of the artist.
No copyright music
Many people ask themselves the question: How to credit author of music in youtube description? And there are two answers to this:
Copyright protection complicates the selection of music. Because of this, finding the right song is a painstaking job. You definitely need to know what kind of music, from what authors, you can use. While it is extremely difficult to figure it out on your own. This is exactly what eProves solves.

First of all, check the song you are looking for for copyright, in the check line on our website. And only after you make sure that the song is free of license - proceed to the next step.
We obtained the presence or absence of copyright for the work. And below in the "Search Result" block there are recommendations for specifying the author, which we strongly recommend to follow. And also the button "Copy" - by clicking on which, all important information of the audio track will be saved to the clipboard.

Remember that by using the service you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Credit the author
There remains little to do. Go to our YouTube video and paste the copied information into the description. It is already formatted, you don't need to edit anything. It is advisable to leave this data at the very beginning of the description. This will show the author of the work that you have credited it.

In the second case, when the audio work is licensed. This option will not work. It will not work just to indicate information about the music in the description. Since the song already has copyright. Therefore, in the best case scenario, advertising fees will be removed from your video, and in the worst case, the video will be blocked. And they can even throw a strike on the channel.
Copyright claim
Exceptions are cases when the user specified information about the song in the description of his video on YouTube. But at the same time, in the "YouTube Studio" there was a statement of a complaint of copyright to music.

This happens when the owner of the song allows the track to be used for their own purposes. Only with the condition of indicating a link to its rules. Which can be found in the description of the original source. If this link is not available, then the author may complain about the ContentID of your video.

In the future, the service will be able to "send a request to the author" to obtain or purchase a license for commercial use.